Covid-19 Vaccines for Children Under Five To be Available by Late June

The dems continue to impose their forceful Covid-19 vaccine mandates on us. We’ve seen them:

Now, these twisted liberals want to vaccinate children under five years old. These doses may be designed for Covid-19… but it’s not for this age group. Giving these shots to kids doesn’t make sense at all.

This is a clear violation of our constitutional rights. Their experiment is going too far this time.

First Shots for Kids Under Five Possible by June 21st

The Biden administration said that children under five may be able to get their first Covid-19 vaccination doses as soon as June 21… if federal regulators authorize the shots.

White House Covid-19 coordinator Aashish Jha shared the administration’s plans for the last remaining ineligible age group to get shots. He said, “We expect that vaccinations will begin in earnest as early as Tuesday, June 21, and really roll on throughout that week. Now, it will take some time to wrap up the program and for vaccines to be more widely available.”

Jha also mentioned that they plan to make the shots available to every parent in America. He added, “As doses arrive in places throughout the country… more sites will have vaccines. More appointments will become available. Every parent who wants their child to get vaccinated will be able to get an appointment.”

Then he assured us that the administration will do everything they can to make all these happen on time. Jha added, “We will of course do our part. We’re going to continue monitoring. We’re going to ship doses out as fast as possible. We’re going to make sure that supply is always meeting demand.”

Looks like the administration is on the move to expand their science experiment on a larger scale. No wonder our patriots are losing faith in the science we have today

Pfizer and BioNTech requested FDA to approve a three-dose regimen of its Covid-19 vaccine for children younger than five years old. 

Our Children Don’t Deserve to Be Experimented On

The fact that the Biden administration is pushing these vaccines for children under 5 says a lot. For the general population of kids in this age range… there is a big chance to have more risks associated with the vaccines. 

According to a survey, only 1 in 5 parents of young children said they would get their kids vaccinated. We must do everything we can to keep our children safe and healthy. 

There is no epidemiological evidence to support exposing young children to these experiments. We still don’t understand the long-term effects of this untested vaccine.

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